Here are a few interesting links for Max Reger. I will try to make update now and then for the links.
Worklist of Max Reger from the former Max Reger Home Page
Max Reger Institut English site, very informative.
"wir Komponisten sind doch keine Ware" - Max Reger in der Kinderzeit des Urheberrechts"
Max Reger 1873 - 1916 Aus Reger's Geburtsort: Albert Pöllath's very sympatic web-Site with very nice photographs. Contains a lot of information, and this website is still growing.
Reger plays Reger Very !!! interesting CD. A must for anyone interested in piano music!
New edition of nearly all Reger's orchestral scores! Musikproduktion Jürgen Höflich takes the risk of producing scores of works rarely heard or played nowadys. The catalogue includes such rare items as Reger's Symphonischer Prolog opus 108, Die Nonnen opus 112 and the Violinkonzert opus 101. But also Ballett-Suite opus 130, Romantische Suite opus 125 and An die Hoffnung opus 124 are included. Items can be ordered on-line at: Musikproduktion Jürgen Höflich.
MDG recording Complete Organ works
Site about Herzog Georg II This man helped Reger to become famous and develop his orchestral capabilities. There are some more sites, of which I name two: site 1 and site 2
Comprehensive site about the Welte piano Both English and German versions available.
Helmut Wirth (1973): Max Reger in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten. Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH. ISBN 3 499 50206 2. A concise but comprehensive introduction to Max Reger's life and work (in German). Contains a work list, richly illustrated. Still available? Bargain.
Bettine Reichelt (2005): Max Reger - Ein biographischer Roman. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Leipzig. ISBN 3-374-02210-3. This is one of the newer additions to the Reger - library. Although the book starts with a sympathetic feeling for Max Reger, it seems as if the author's sympathy gradually shifts to Elsa Reger whose personality is depicted much better and livelier than that of Max. Where some chapters are nicely written, some contain complete nonsense: the text on pages 158 - 159 is easily falsified against the account given by Adalbert Lindner (1923, pages 136 - 137)). Why the focus has been laid so strong on the Wiesbaden years (148 of a total of 275 pages) remains a mystery, but it effects an unbalanced total result as the later years are only shortly dealt with.
Guido Bagier (1923): Max Reger, mit 17 Bildern. Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt Stuttgart Berlin. No ISBN. Still the best Reger biography and discussion of his works (in German). Unfortunately never reprinted and only available second-hand or in libraries (I have a complete scanned version on CD, available for those interested).
Adalbert Lindner (1923): Max Reger. Ein Bild seines Jugendlebens und künstlerischen Werdens. J. Engelhorns Nachf. Stuttgart. No ISBN.Very sympathetic written book by the hand of Reger's first music-teacher. For those interested in details about Reger's personality. In German and printed in the old-fashioned German-Gothic font. Only available second-hand or in libraries.
Fritz Stein (1939): Max Reger. Reihe: Die Grossen meister der Musik. Akademische verlagsgesellschaft Athenaion Postdam. No ISBN. Interesting discussions on Reger's works. Many personal observation from this friend of Reger. Only available second-hand or in libraries.
E.H. Müller von Asow (1944): Max Reger und seine Welt. Alfred Metzner Verlag, Berlin. No ISBN. A beautiful collection of photo's of Max Reger and his world, friends, family etc. Only available second-hand or in libraries.
Hedwig & E.H. Müller von Asow (ed. 1949): Max Reger. Briefwechsel mit Herzog Georg II. von Sachsen-Meiningen. Mit 17 Bildtafeln und 4 Faksimiles. Verlag Hermann Böhlaus Nachfolger. Weimar. No ISBN. Life at a small German "Hof" between 1912-1914. Letters of Max Reger and Herzog Georg II. Although Reger always destroyed the received correspondence, he made two exceptions: letters from Karl Straube and from Herzog Georg II. This book is a Virtual Reger-diary of the Meiningen years, illustrating his immense number of concert-representations and his daily problems. Written in a beautiful, literary German. For those who want to know details about Reger's daily life.
Susanne Popp und Susanne Shigihara (eds. 1985): Max Reger - Briefwechsel mit dem Verlag C. F. Peters. Dümmlers Verlag Bonn. ISBN 3-427-86361-1. One of the most interesting books about Max Reger! It contains much information about his works, his thoughts and the relation with his publishers. Several facsimiles are included. Explaining texts and notes of the editors are very useful and interesting for reading. The publication is scientifically prepared but easy to read.
Susanne Popp (ed. 2005): Max Reger - Briefe an den Verlag N. Simrock. Carus Verlag Stuttgart. ISBN 3-89948-063-5. Recently published, this new fascile of the Max-Reger-Institut Karlsruhe provides an insight in Max Reger's last years (1913-1916). A very carefully prepared (scientific but easy to read) publication. Contains many nice illustrations.
Else von Hase - Koehler (ed. 1928): Max Reger - Briefe eines deutschen Meisters. Ein Lebensbild herausgegeben von Else von Hase - Koehler. Koehler & Amelang, Leipzig. No ISBN. Although some disputes may arise as to the degree of editing of the original texts (e.g. Fritz Stein 1939, page 25), this book provides a lively impression of Max Reger's personality. Even today, it is an awful feeling when after reading the last letters the consiousness arises that suddenly there will be no letters anymore.....
Elsa Reger (1930): Mein Leben mit und für Max Reger. Erinnerungen von Elsa Reger. Verlegt bei Koehler & Amelang, Leipzig. No ISBN. Interesting first-hand observations and facts about Reger.
Silke Opitz (2000): Max Reger (1873-1916) im plastischen Porträt, p. 145-171. Breitkopf & Härtel Wiesbaden. ISBN 3-7651-0335-7.
Helmut Brauss (1994): Max Reger's music for solo piano. The university of Alberta Press, Edmonton. ISBN o-88864-255-5. Available as a bargain via the internet. The best introduction to Reger's piano music (in English). The piano being still an easily available instrument, Max Reger's works for this instrument are often automatically the first introduction to his musical world. This book uses a critical and scientific approach but is surprisingly easy to read. It contains numerous musical examples and analyses of individual works. Therefore, it is invaluable for Reger-admirers, students and professional pianists alike.
Willi Jinkertz (1951): Mit Reger an zwei Flügeln (with a facsimile of a letter by Reger). Verlag Die Faehre, Düsseldorf. No ISBN. Interesting observations on Reger's way of playing the piano. Only available second-hand or in libraries.
Kurt Binniger (1987): Die Welte-Philharmonie-Orgel. Acta Organologica (19): 179-208. For those interested in how these instruments worked. Only available second-hand or in libraries.
Peter Hagmann: Das Welte-Mignon-Klavier, die Welte-Philharmonie-Orgel und die Anfänge der Reproduktion von Musik. Bern [u.a.]: Lang, 1984. Interesting discussion (in German) on the characteristics of the Welte systems (Mignon and Philharmonie). Critical appreciation of the authenticity of the Welte-recordings in general. See also link-list above for the 2nd Edition, which is available on-line.