Eugen Jochum - Central Website (Revised)

Literature about Eugen Jochum

Last update Nov. 6, 2005

1. Essays by Eugen Jochum himself

This paragraph contains references to the publications of the essays Eugen Jochum wrote. The references are preceded the year of writing and the main subject of the essay. Several of these essays have been published more than once, which is reflected in the list as presented here.

Bach Matthäus. 196?. "Zur Interpretation der Matthäus-Passion Johann Sebastian Bachs"

Beethoven. 19??. "Über Ludwig van Beethoven"

Bruckner Interpretation. 19??. "Zur Interpretation der Symphonien Anton Bruckners"

Bruckner-Fest. 1954. "Gedanken über das Modische und das Zeitlose in der Musik. Ansprache zur Eröffnung des Bruckner-Festes am 2. 5. 1954 in München"

Bruckner Originalfassung. 19??. "Die Originalfassung der Brucknerschen Symphonien"

Bruckner IV. 1935. "Zur Interpretation des Finales der vierten Symphonie von Anton Bruckner"

Bruckner V. 1964. "Zur Interpretation der fünften Symphonie von Anton Bruckner - Ein Rechenschaftsbericht". In: Franz Grasberger (Hg.), Bruckner Studien - Leopold Nowak zum 60. Geburtstag 1964 p. 53-59. (not seen).

Dirigieren. 19??. "Zur Phänomenologie des Dirigierens"

Papst Pius XII. 1951. "Bericht über Sonderaudienz und Konzert mit BR-Kammerorchester bei Papst Pius XII., 1951" (written representation of speech).

2. Literature about Eugen Jochum

This paragraph contains references to Dutch, German, French and English sources (books, magazines, CD-booklets, LP-sleeves) with no other purpose than to offer the reader maybe some unknown literature. I do not claim that this list is complete in any way.

Brachtel, Karl Robert. 1986. Eugen Jochum: 60 Jahre am Pult. FonoForum Heft 6, Juni 1986 p. 20-23. (With a discography).

Eugen Jochum-Gesellschaft e.V. Ottobeuren (Hg.). 1994. Eugen Jochum 1902-1987. Ein Lebensbild zum 90. Geburtstag. 56 pp. no ISBN. (Contains some Essays by Eugen Jochum himself. This book is referred to on this website as: "Lebensbild").

Eugen Jochum-Gesellschaft e.V. Ottobeuren (Hg.). 2005. Eugen Jochum. 288 pp, with CD. ISBN 3-89857-185-8 (Contains some Essays by Eugen Jochum himself, some remembrances of his personality, a lot of speeches and the complete list of all concerts, see below under Tremine & Scherchen.


A special bonus is the Tahra CD with "Erzähltes Leben" which has been added to the book. This book is referred to on this website as: "Eugen Jochum Buch Verein").

FonoForum Redaktion 1972. Eugen Jochum Schallplattenverzeichnis. FonoForum Heft 11, November 1972 p. 948-949. (with the first published Eugen Jochum discography, including the Telefunken 78-recordings).

Harden, Ingo. 1972. "Bewahren und Offenbleiben!" Ein Gespräch mit Eugen Jochum. FonoForum Heft 11, November 1972 p. 926-927. (Interesting interview containing passages on Max Reger and modern music).

Harden, Ingo. 1972. Hochbedeutende neue "Gesamtaufnahme:" Kritik der Aufnahme von Brahms Klavierkonzerte mit Eugen Jochum und Emil Gilels. FonoForum Heft 11, November 1972 p. 964-966. (Highly interesting review).

Mauder, Stephanie. 2003. Eugen Jochum als Chefdirigent beim Bayerischen Rundfunk. Published as pt. 2 in the series: Studien zur Geschichte des Bayerischen Rundfunks. Peter Lang. ISBN 3-631-50467-5 (Scientific contribution to the works of Eugen Jochum. Recommended!).

Tremine, Rene & Scherchen, Myriam. 2005. Konzertliste. In: Eugen Jochum Buch Verein p. 215-288. (Complete or nearly complete list of concerts. However, the list of concerts with the Concertgebouworkest as provided on my web-site is more accurate, this being derived from the Concertgebouworkest-administration itself.).

3. Secondary Literature

This paragraph contains references to publications in which Eugen Jochum is referred to in more than passing.

Bamberg Symphony Orchestra (Hg.). 1993. The Bamberg Symphony Orchestra. An Orchestra Chronicle 1946-1993. 61 pp. Fränkischer Tag / KG Editions. ISBN 3-928648-11-X. (Contains a separate chapter: "The years with Eugen Jochum" on p. 36-39, including some nice pictures taken during Proben and concerts).

Bartels, Karsten & Günther Zschacke. 1997. Variationen. 100 Jahre Orchester in der Hansestadt Lübeck 1897-1997. 320 pp. Schmidt-Römhild. ISBN 3-7950-1225-2. (Contains a separate chapter: "Kapitel 8: Eugen Jochum (1928/29)" on p. 103-110. Included is a very nice picture of Eugen Jochum during those years. On p. 259-260 the concerts are listed that were conducted by Eugen Jochum).

Glastra van Loon, Otto. 1969. Onder de stenen lier - Het Concertgebouworkest. 160 pp. Ploegsma. No ISBN. (Contains some information about Eugen Jochum in Amsterdam and a discography of the recordings of the Concertgebouworkest).

Leur, Truus de (Hg.). 1997. Bruckner en het Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest. 174 pp. Thoth. ISBN 90-6868-170-2. (A beautiful book. On p. 72-77 an essay by Nico Steffen provides concise information about the Bruckner activities of Eugen Jochum with the Concertgebouworkest. A complete list of all Bruckner performances in which Eugen Jochum conducted the Concertgebouworkest is provided on p. 155. NB: A photograph of the hands of Eugen Jochum is pictured on the cover of the book and also on p.102).

Leur, Truus de (Hg.). 1999. De Matthäus-Passion - 100 jaar passietraditie van het Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest. 174 pp. Thoth. ISBN 90-6868-218-0. (On p. 79 a paragraph about Eugen Jochum is found, in the next chapter (p. 80 onwards) he is frequently mentioned. A complete list of all Passion (including the Johannes-Passion) performances in which Eugen Jochum led the Concertgebouworkest is provided in the list on p. 150-160. Added is a CD with an otherwise unpublished fragment of the live-performance of the Matthäus-Passion conducted by Eugen Jochum in 1970).

Ulm, Renate & Doris Sennevelder. 1999. 50 Jahre Symphonieirchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks. 331 pp, with CD. Bärenreiter. ISBN 3-7618-1395-3.(Contains a separate chapter: " Eugen Jochum" on p. 64-105. Included are many pictures of Eugen Jochum during those years and a year-chronicle. Added is a CD with rehearsals, among them Eugen Jochum rehearsing Strauß Don Juan).

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